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  • A global youth network has been established to raise awareness among international youth about climate challenges and countermeasures from the perspectives of youth.
  • Youth from around the world have gathered to share their thoughts and reach conclusions through
    (1)Team projects, (2) youth networking, and (3) mentoring and lectures.
Program of GYCC
  • GYCC gathers youth around the world to be conscious and take action to combat climate change and better the environment. In regards to the theme of GYCC 22/23, Deforestation, we aim to raise awareness of such topics as Bio-economy, Illegal Logging, Climate Technology, Desertification, Forest Biodiversity and Water Quality.
  • GYCC 22/23 has developed under the goal of “Uniting Youth for a Greener Tomorrow”, hoping that youth participants deliver their united voices to the world leaders at the 2023 P4G Bogota Summit.
  • GYCC 22/23 participants have planned, refined and implemented their own action plan and policy proposals since GYCC 22 in Seoul, through out COP27 in Egypt and now ready to present them at 2023 P4G in Bogota. Lend an ear to the voices of youth gathered at GYCC 2022/23 for a greener tomorrow!
  • Our journey from GYCC 2020 until now, moving toward 2023 P4G Colombia and COP28 UAE.
GYCC Youth Lab