GYCC 2021
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Voice of the Earth, Voice for the Earth
Linked to the P4G Summit
Global youth from 36 countries have had in-depth discussions in connection with the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit, delivering the consequential youth action plans and their voices to international societies.
  • Held as part of the special session on Green Future at the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit(29 May / KT Dream Hall)
GYCC Sustainability
The Colombian government, which will host the next P4G Summit in 2023, has expressed its willingness to host the GYCC event in Bogota.
  • The government has offered “Deforestation” as an agenda, among climate challenges in Colombia
Youth-driven planning
Activists from more than 80 global youth organizations specializing in climate change have planned projects and Youth Challenge Developers have led discussions with participants to come up with Action Plans.
  • Over 16 rounds of meetings including youth-expert advisory meetings (2 rounds),
    preliminary meetings of youths (4 rounds), working-level video conference (10 rounds)
  • Youth Challenge Developer(YCD): youth moderators in charge of formulating action plans
Participation of global youth
Key persons from home and abroad, as well as 84 youths and teenagers from 36 countries including P4G member countries.
  • Attended by Crown Prince of Denmark, Norwegian Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Southeast Asian countries
  • Attended by 68 youths from P4G member countries (including Denmark, Colombia), African and Southeast Asian countries
  • Youth Challenge Developer(YCD): youth moderators in charge of formulating action plans
Establishment of communication channels
A cooperative network and a regular communication environment for youths and global youth organizations have been established both online and offline over the past two months.
  • 84 youths and YCDs from 33 countries including Korea and P4G member countries participated in a cooperative network for youths and global youth organizations
  • GYCC online platform:
  • Welcoming Remarks-Ban Ki-moon, the 8th Secretary-General of the UN
  • Discussions among overseas speakers in hologram
  • Group photo of online/offline participants